Expert event | IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024
Artificial intelligence in the commercial vehicle sector
what opportunities and challenges does AI present?
what opportunities and challenges does AI present?
Artificial intelligence in the commercial vehicle sector: what opportunities and challenges does AI present?
Artificial intelligence (AI) will also transform the individual segments of the value chain in the commercial vehicle sector. As part of the specialist event on "AI in the commercial vehicle sector", we want to use specific examples to discuss the many opportunities offered by this technology with various players from the commercial vehicle sector and make a realistic assessment of the present and future of AI from a business perspective. AI can help to overcome the challenges facing the transport industry. But what challenges does AI pose, e.g. in terms of data availability or practical implementation in companies? We want to show that AI is more than just a basis for autonomous driving and clarify which technical, ethical and regulatory hurdles exist with regard to an even more comprehensive use of AI and also offer the audience the opportunity to enter into an exchange with the company experts.
- Dr. Corina Apachiţe, Continental AG
- Dr. Marcus Bollig, VDA
- Fabrizio Conicella, Iveco Group
- Dr. Cafer Ince, Schmitz Cargobull AG
- Prof. Dr. Maximilian Kiener, Hamburg University of Technology
- 16.00-16.10 CET: Opening and introduction
Dr. Marcus Bollig
- 16.10-16.25 CET: Impulse
Fabrizio Conicella
- 16.25-16.55 CET: Short impulses
Dr. Corina Apachiţe,
Dr. Cafer Ince,
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Kiener
- 16.55-17.25 CET: Panel discussion
Dr. Corina Apachiţe,
Fabrizio Conicella,
Dr. Cafer Ince,
Moderation Prof. Dr. Maximilian Kiener
- 17.25-17.35 CET: Q&A-Session
Q&A-Session with the audience
Moderation Prof. Dr. Maximilian Kiener
- 17.35-18.00 CET: Get-Together
Networking and exchange for the speakers and the audience
The event is accessible without prior registration.