5. Nationale Radlogistik-Konferenz
The 5. Nationale Radlogistik-Konferenz is the most important annual industry get-together for cycle logistics stakeholders.
Under the motto “How Can We Grow Together?”, the conference will focus on central topics shaping the future of cycle logistics, especially how the industry can be strengthened and expanded internationally.
The discussions will cover topics such as the competitiveness of cycle logistics, personnel issues, innovations, and the vision of cycle logistics in the city of tomorrow.All stakeholders in the cycle logistics industry, interested companies, and representatives from politics and science are invited. Conference participants will have the opportunity to visit the IAA TRANSPORTATION and experience the IAA Cargobike Parcours, where various cargo bikes can be tested.
The Radlogistik Verband Deutschland, the patron of the conference, will also offer the IAA audience a free introduction to cycle logistics before the conference starts. The conference is organized by GmbH.
11:00 – 11:20 am – Opening & Welcome
- Dr. Tom Assmann,
Chairman of the Radlogistik Verband Deutschlands - Anja Ritschel,
Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs, City of Hanover -
Jürgen Mindel,
Association Management & Communication
German Association of the Automotive Industry | VDA
Keynote “How Cycle Logistics is Growing in France”
11:20 – 11:45 am
- French Cycle Logistics Association Les Boites à Vélo
Panel 1 - How to Achieve Competitiveness in Cycle Logistics
11:45 am – 12:30 pm
- Marko Rieger, PAKUMO
- Laurin Neusch (formerly Schwarz), Urban Planning Department / Logistics Management B.A. student, Freiburg im Breisgau
Panel 2 - Personnel
1:30 – 2:15 pm
- Empowering Women in the Cycling Industry
- Training Cycle Logistics Professionals, Martin Schmidt, Cycle Logistics CL GmbH and Vice Chairman of RLVD
- Transformation of the Automotive Industry
Panel 3 - Innovations in Cycle Logistics
2:15 – 3:00 pm
- Impulse Presentation on the State of Cycle Logistics from the #IKnowRadlogistik Project
Luise Braun, RLVD, Franziska Wouters, House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) - Christiane Behrisch, Economic Traffic Coordinator, Mobility Department, City of Munich
- Helge Neubauer, Zemmi
- Phillip Kahle, ONOMOTION
Closing Discussion: Cycle Logistics in the City of Tomorrow
3:15 – 3:45 pm
- Swantje Michaelsen, Member of the German Bundestag
- Tara Li, Dachser
- Dr. Stefan Cuber, Mubea
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+49 30 / 2978-1118